About Shelly Alvarez, creator of Letters of Vitality
Shelly in green mini dress

Since an early age, I knew that I loved the 2 F’s: Fashion and Food. I taught myself to cook when I got married, and learned the traditional methods of cooking with the basic foods in the supermarket. I got into a routine of going out for a heavy dinner or two each week, and consumed every calorie imaginable. Enter weight gain.

I have a love of fashion and choose to stock my closet with some nice pieces that I want to wear forever. When this weight gain came over the course of a few years, these beautiful clothes did not fit any more. Some of these pieces were priceless and even vintage. It was heartbreaking.

I discovered that I was always tired and just attributed it all to stress and work. I exercised, too, so I assumed it was just the cardio tiring me out.

That was it. At this moment, I had gained 30 pounds and knew that I could not live like this any longer. But how was I going to get this done, with the overwhelmingly amounts of false information out there?


This was 10 years ago. I began to pour myself into periodicals, case studies, books and literature about clean eating, ingredients, clean beauty and lifestyle factors that actually work. Surprisingly, a lot of this information wasn’t what I would see in my every day browsing.

What I discovered was 1 major thing- I was unhealthy and was setting myself up for future diseases, skin issues and symptoms that some people end up with over time. I was funding marketing efforts that made me feel I was on the right path.

I made some major changes immediately and have never looked back. The 30 pounds came off, my skin cleared up, my body became the most fit and best it has ever looked, my energy skyrocketed, my mood elevated and I could fit into those vintage outfits again.

I started making better choices when I travel, I cook healthier and with unharmful ingredients, my exercise routing has changed and I take quality supplements that aren’t filled with junk.

My mindset is so clear and I feel fulfilled and actually free. I started designing my own clothes, I give style and beauty advice and really love the skin I am in.

Wellness is who I am, and my vitality is the longevity and happiness I have created within myself. My goal is to share this with all of you in hopes that you can learn what I have, and perhaps take a piece of information or two and implement it into your daily life. It takes baby steps, but the exciting news is this- once you get over small hurdles, it gets easier and addicting. You’ll soon find yourself as a whole being, comfortable in your skin, healthy and overjoyed to live this beautiful life.

That’s my wish for you.
Stay forever young, effortlessly. xx

When you feel good, you look good, and that is real beauty.

True vitality is within
Skin care

Ingredients in skin care can be advertised as “natural,” and this, combined with nice packaging makes us spend money on products that aren’t worth the cost, and can be irritating.

clean eats

Food can be exciting and what you eat has one of the biggest impacts on your health. Learn what ingredients to look for, so that you aren’t harming your body unknowingly.


Exercise should be a part of daily life. There are so many different things you can do to be active, and the exciting part is finding something that you enjoy, so it doesn’t feel like work.


Everyone has a unique style, which is amazing. Feeling good sometimes comes just by putting on that favorite outfit and getting out. It’s a free endorphin boost and a great motivation.

power of positivity

Having positive thoughts is one of the best ways to stay healthy. Positive thoughts are clinically proven to not only bring on joy, but to ward off certain medical conditions. 

wild card

Everyone has a wild card- something that they love but maybe don’t ever do for a number of reasons. Make time for more wild card moments and your life will transform before your eyes.

Health is a gift

To be truly healthy is a wonderful gift that everyone deserves, and the great news is that no matter your current health or life state, you can change it all and live the life of your dreams. It is never impossible to lose the weight, up your supplement and fitness game or explore some style options to feel great. The options are limitless and taking small steps, along with determination, will get you there.

Our Blog

Food can be exciting

To eat great food is truly a magical experience. The most exciting thing about food is experimenting with ingredients like superfoods and herbs that take everything to another level. Healthy food is not just a boring plate of lettuce. It has life and is full of flavor. With time and ingredient swaps, you will find your meal times to be one of the most exciting parts of the day.

Moments are what makes life beautiful. Sometimes they are small, but they are what make your life unique and special.

Some of my favorite moments
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